Review: Best Hand and Ski Boot Warmers for 2024

A skier on top of a mountain keeping her hands warm in the cold weather.

One of the greatest joys of winter is setting aside time for skiing or snowboarding. But cold hands and feet often cut a full day on the slopes short. Continuing to ski or snowboard in such pain and discomfort simply isn't enjoyable.

Skiers and boarders will often turn to single-use hot packets for instant warmth, but many find them less than optimal. Some people find they don’t last long enough, while others find the heat fluctuates too much, causing them to sweat. If you're a frequent skier or boarder, it can get expensive to repeatedly buy these single-use warmers.   

If you resonate with any of this, we may have just the best hand and boot warmers for ski boots in 2024 for you. It involves a reusable, more sustainable option that also eliminates litter from the beloved, snowy hills.

Mais avant d'entrer dans le vif du sujet, voici un aperçu de ce que cet article va couvrir :

Réchauffeurs de fourrure de castor : La solution pour les skieurs et les planchistes

Beaver fur has been effective in keeping people warm for centuries. In fact, this is how Indigenous Peoples keep warm in -40 degree weather up in Northern Canada. Natural fur is a valuable tradition that has stood the test of time.  

Se tenir au chaud avec les chaufferettes Aurora Heat

Comment cela fonctionne-t-il ?

Beaver fur’s thick undercoat is a natural insulator and keeps beavers warm as they move in and out of freezing water. That same natural insulation of sheared beaver fur can keep your fingers and toes warm during a full day of skiing or snowboarding.

The tanning process removes the coarse outer hairs, revealing 10,000 filaments per square inch of soft underfur. Sheared beaver fur doesn’t create or add heat, but rather helps to retain the heat that your body is naturally generating. The result: comfortable and everlasting warmth as you brace the winter cold. 

Caractéristiques principales

En plus d'offrir une chaleur confortable, la fourrure de castor tondue présente un certain nombre de caractéristiques attrayantes :

  • Everlasting warmth. Sheared beaver fur is highly durable and long-lasting, offering reliable warmth year after year. Customers who purchased Aurora Heat products in 2015 are still enjoying their warmth today. Without having to worry about battery life or repurchasing the product, this ensures an excellent return on investment.
  • Non-toxique, hypoallergénique, ultra-doux.. La fourrure de castor rasée est incroyablement confortable pour tous les types de peau et garantit donc une expérience douillette.
  • Reusable. Aurora Heat has never seen fur warmers “fall apart” or lose their quality, making them a great choice for warmers year after year.
  • Practical and versatile. You can still grip your ski poles while wearing them in your gloves, and they’ll fit comfortably in your ski boots, too. The fur can model in different ways, providing many uses beyond skiing and snowboarding. Again, the return on investment is incomparable.
  • Sustainable. Aurora Heat uses fur sourced from wild beavers, harvested by Indigenous trappers who keep the ecosystem in balance. They have a deep respect for the animal and use every part of the beaver.
  • Biodegradable. Sheared beaver fur decomposes without harming the environment, should you need to discard them.

Given all these features, we can see that beaver fur is exceptional at keeping your hands and feet warm when skiing or snowboarding.

Les meilleures chaufferettes d'Aurora Heat pour le ski et le snowboard

Aurora Heat has a number of fur-based products to keep you warm in cold weather during a full day of skiing or snowboarding. Below we detail our top picks for the best ski boot warmers.

1. Réchauffeurs de mains réutilisables

Les chauffe-mains réutilisables d'Aurora Heat gardent les mains au chaud pendant le ski et le snowboard.

Aurora Heat’s Reusable Hand Warmers's design keeps your hands warm when skiing or snowboarding. Just slip them into your ski gloves or mittens with the fur side against your skin. The leather texture helps them stay in place. Their sheared fur keeps them thin enough that you can grip your ski poles comfortably without it feeling bulky.

Offered in two sizes and colors, Aurora Heat’s hand warmers are a favorite among many skiers and snowboarders. See what they have to say: 

Les chauffe-mains réutilisables d'Aurora Heat gardent les mains au chaud pendant le ski et le snowboard.

As mentioned in the Key Features section, Aurora Heat’s reusable hand warmers are practical and versatile in many settings. You can wear them with any pair of mittens or gloves to help you brave the cold weather. Many people stick them in their pockets while indoors and outdoors, having them in perfect reach for extra warmth and comfort.

Acheter des chauffe-mains réutilisables

2. Chauffe-pouce réutilisables

Les Thumb Warmers d'Aurora Heat gardent vos mains et vos doigts au chaud pendant le ski et le snowboard.

No matter what, do you ever have that one finger that just can’t seem to escape getting cold? Enter Aurora Heat’s Reusable Thumb Warmers. This is their smallest product, but make no mistake of its mightiness.

Simply fold the warmer over top your finger (with the fur-side facing your skin) before guiding your hand into your glove or mitten. Once inside, the grippy texture of the leather helps them stay stationary. 

Ils sont particulièrement utiles pour skier et faire du snowboard pendant des heures. Lorsque vous êtes dans le froid, il est inévitable d'avoir au moins un doigt gelé. Ces chauffe-pouces sont incroyablement efficaces dans de tels cas. Voyez ce qu'un moniteur de ski a dit à leur sujet :

Les chauffe-pouce réutilisables d'Aurora Heat gardent les doigts au chaud pendant le ski et le snowboard.
Les chauffe-pieds Aurora Heat gardent les pieds au chaud dans les chaussures de ski.

Cold toes are a common issue for skiers and snowboarders. Few things can cut your ski day short faster than icy foot pain. Luckily, Aurora Heat’s Reusable Foot Warmers use a passive warming system to keep you warm and comfortable.

Simply adjust the shape of the warmers so that they cover the vulnerable parts of your feet. For most people, this means having them directly on top of the foot, covering the top of your big toe. Then, slip them into your socks in the exact spot you’d like them to be; the grippy texture of the leather will help to keep them in place.

Their foot warmers are available in three thicknesses, but we suggest the "thin" or "regular" options for those tight-fitting ski boots. Sheared to an optimal height, these warmers ensure a comfortable fit.

And like the hand warmers, the foot warmers have many use cases besides skiing and snowboarding. Since they fit well in socks, you can wear them with indoor or outdoor footwear, including slippers, boots, shoes, or sneakers. So if you are not a frequent skier or boarder, rest assured you will get great use of them no matter what.

Aurora Heat’s foot warmers stand out from other warmers on the market for being affordable and versatile. You'll discover numerous ways to use them. Still unsure? Read what our ski customers have to say:

Les chauffe-pieds réutilisables d'Aurora Heat gardent les pieds au chaud pendant le ski et le snowboard.

Acheter des chauffe-pieds réutilisables

4. Chauffe-mains et chauffe-pieds Ultra

Les chaufferettes Ultra Hand et Ultra Foot Warmers d'Aurora Heat sont excellentes pour garder les mains et les pieds au chaud pendant le ski.

Since the mountains are much colder than local temperatures, customers choose Aurora Heat’s Ultra Hand Warmers and Ultra Foot Warmers. They are just like the reusable hand and foot warmers, but longer in size. These warmers cover more surface area on your hands and feet, promising ultimate warmth for your activities.  

Wear them just like their hand and foot counterparts. Their extra fur allows you to wrap up and around the fingers and toes, providing full coverage.

The reusable hand he Ultra Warmers are a great add-on if you’re a frequent skier or boarder, or if you have circulation issues. They’re so awesome that they’ll make you want to add even more Aurora Heat to your collection! 

Les chauffe-mains Ultra d'Aurora Heat gardent les mains au chaud pendant le ski et le snowboard.
Les Ultra Foot Warmers d'Aurora Heat gardent les pieds au chaud pendant le ski et le snowboard.

Boutique Ultra Hand & Foot Warmers

5. Chauffe-mains et chauffe-pieds pour enfants

Les chauffe-mains et chauffe-pieds pour enfants d'Aurora Heat gardent les enfants au chaud pendant le ski et le snowboard.

If you ski or snowboard with your children, then you’re probably familiar with the frequent “Mom, I’m cold!” complaints. Aurora Heat has your kids covered with their Sekui Hand & Foot Warmers.

Just like the reusable hand and foot warmers, slip them into your children’s gloves or ski boots with the fur-side facing their skin. With room on the leather side to write their name, you can keep track of them! Rest assured, the Sekui warmers will provide supreme comfort and warmth for a full day of skiing.

Les chauffe-mains et chauffe-pieds pour enfants d'Aurora Heat gardent les enfants au chaud lorsqu'ils font du ski ou du snowboard.

Shop Kids Hand & Foot Warmers

Réchauffeurs de bonus pour les skieurs et les snowboarders

Above, we outlined our top picks for keeping your hands and feet warm on the slopes. In this section, we detail a few bonus warmers that are sure to keep you warm as well.


Wrist warmers improve blood circulation in the cold.

If you have circulation issues, consider Aurora Heat’s Wrist Warmers. They’re a great addition to the hand warmers, providing extra warmth to your extremities. Available in 4 sizes, the elastic enclosure makes them easy to slip on and off. Since they are not bulky, they can easily be worn with long sleeves and ski gloves.

Customers love the wrist warmers for indoor purposes as well. They are perfect if you have poor blood circulation and painful joints. These special warmers offer comforting relief to help you manage daily activities. So if you opt for the wrist warmers, we’re confident you’ll get ample use of them away from the slopes as well.

Acheter des chauffe-poignets

Chauffe-tête et chauffe-corps

Le chauffe-tête et chauffe-corps d'Aurora Heat permet de garder la tête au chaud lors de la pratique du ski et du snowboard.

Aurora Heat’s Head & Body Warmer is an excellent insulator for keeping your head warm. The warmer is quite compact, so you can easily tuck it into hats, toques, and helmets while you ski. Its large surface area allows you to wear it wherever you need it on your body! So if your elbows or knees are cold, you can always tuck the Head & Body Warmer there for additional warmth and comfort.

They are also great at providing gentle heat for those sore muscles apres ski. This larger warmer is super useful warmer to have on the slopes!

Boutique Chauffe-tête et corps

Chauffe-corps Ultra

L'Ultra Body Warmer d'Aurora Heat permet de garder les skieurs et les snowboarders au chaud.

Le chauffe-corps Ultra Body Warmer est comme le Head & Body Warmer, mais encore plus grand ! Avec 78 pouces carrés de fourrure extrêmement douce, cette chaufferette peut être placée n'importe où sur le corps et fera l'affaire, tant que le côté fourrure est orienté vers votre peau. Comme pour les autres chaufferettes, la texture adhérente du cuir permet de maintenir la chaufferette en place. L'Ultra Body Warmer est généralement utilisé pour garder la poitrine et les fesses au chaud pendant le ski, ou sur les muscles endoloris après le ski, mais il peut être utilisé dans bien d'autres contextes. De nombreux clients portent ce chauffe-corps lorsqu'ils dorment ou se prélassent à la maison. Si vous optez pour cette chaufferette, sachez que vous pourrez l'utiliser à de nombreuses fins en dehors des pistes !

Boutique Ultra Body Warmer


Les chauffe-seins gardent les seins au chaud pendant le ski et le snowboard.

For those with sensitive breasts or implants, you might find your breasts get cold quicker, especially when in colder temperatures. For cases such as these, you’ll find Aurora Heat’s Breast Warmers super effective at keeping you warm. Simply insert them into your bra with the fur side facing your skin, and enjoy the benefit of their added comfort and warmth.

Available in two thicknesses, these warmers are subtle and discreet, not visible even under thin clothing. This makes them a fan favourite for everyday activities - not just when layering up on the slopes!

Les chauffe-seins réutilisables d'Aurora Heat gardent les seins au chaud pendant le ski et le snowboard.

Acheter des chauffe-mamelles



Les chauffe-téléphones Aurora Heat empêchent votre téléphone de mourir lorsque vous faites du ski ou du snowboard par temps froid.

Ever had your cell phone shut down due to extended cold temperatures? Not ideal when you’re far from home, spending a full day on the slopes, and need reliable access.

Enter Aurora Heat’s Cell Phone Warmer. This product keeps your phone warm, so you can continue using it throughout the day on the mountains, without any issues. The supreme softness of the fur ensures that your phone remains scratch-free as well. 

While this product was designed for cell phones, customers say it keeps batteries and snacks warm as well.



Le chauffe-téléphone d'Aurora Heat empêche le téléphone de mourir pendant le ski et le snowboard.

Boutique Réchauffeur de téléphone portable

À emporter

Fortunately, Aurora Heat has a number of eco-friendly products to keep you warm while skiing or snowboarding. Their versatility, reusability, and everlasting warmth make them outstanding investments for your winter wardrobe!

Les chaufferettes d'Aurora Heat gardent vos mains et vos pieds au chaud pendant une journée entière de ski et de snowboard !

Consider which parts of your body are the most vulnerable when skiing, and go from there. The Ultra Hand and Foot Warmers cover more skin, providing better warmth than the regular Reusable ones. However, everyone's body is different. So our recommendations depend on your specific needs.

Envisagez d'opter pour la durabilité lors de la prochaine saison de ski en offrant de la fourrure de castor naturelle. Vos mains et vos pieds vous en remercieront.




A propos de l'auteur

Photo d'Andrea, auteur du blog
Andrea Di Lorenzo, BSc 
Andrea is an experienced scientist in the field of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. She has years of experience studying the molecular mechanism underlying chronic diseases.